

Smart Cities

Smart Cities

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Smart Manufacturing

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Smart Energy

Smart Energy

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

Smart mobility concerns project of automation of transport, tracking of vehicles etc.

Some example projects:

  • 5G-Blueprint - Next generation connectivity for enhanced, safe & efficient transport & logistics (H2020 project, 2020-2023)

The overall objective of 5G-Blueprint is to design and validate a technical architecture, business and governance model for uninterrupted cross-border teleoperated transport based on 5G connectivity. The Techno-Economics team is responsible for the description of the business cases, business modelling and techno-economic evaluation.

  • 5G-CARMEN - 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN (H2020 project, 2018-2020)

5G-CARMEN addresses the societal (e.g. emission, accident reduction) and economic (e.g. vehicles as smart-living environments) challenges in order to push large-scale collaborative cross-border validation activities on cooperative, connected and automated mobility, by the concept of “Mobility Corridors”. The work of the Techno-Economics team is setting up a process to elaborate the cooperation models and cooperative future business models for connected mobility in 5G-CARMEN, between all stakeholders (i.e., vehicle manufacturers, telecom operators and public authorities, road operators, service providers, etc.).
Webinar on Business and techno-economic analysis
  5G CARMEN Business and techno-economic analysis by integrating simulation and modeling methodologies towards a go-to-market strategy for CCAM (Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility ) applications & services. Access through:
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  • SERVO - Secure and Economically Viable V2x solutions (Flemish innovation project, 2018-2020)

The SErVo project (by IMEC and KU Leuven) investigates two essential features of connected and automated driving: (1) security and data protection, and (2) cost and business modelling. The task of the TE team is to develop a reliable cost comparison for different technologies (LTE-V, IEEE 802.11p, etc.), given different situations: (1) no V2I & V2V, (2) both V2V & V2V and its hybrids applied in a highway context.

  • CONCORDA - Connected Corridor for Driving Automation (European CEF Transport project, 2018-2021)

The CONCORDA project contributes to the preparation of European motorways for automated driving and high density truck platooning. The main objective of the project is to assess the performance of hybrid communication systems, combining meshed and cellular connectivity, under real traffic situations. CONCORDA will have test sites in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, and Spain. Interoperability and continuity of services will be applied on all test sites, aiming at EU-wide interoperability of services. The work of the Techno-Economics team is to perform a cost-benefit comparison of the different Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication technologies.